Supportive Housing
Supportive Housing Investments Give Options to Our Most Vulnerable Citizens

Supportive Housing Development
In 2022, the Agency funded six supportive housing developments through various programs including the Supportive Housing Development Program and others.
The continued increase in construction costs was particularly problematic for developing the supportive housing that often is the only safety net for the state’s most vulnerable citizens. In response, the Agency increased funding to stalled developments to help them start and complete construction.
In addition, in 2022 the Agency increased loan amounts for regular Supportive Housing Development loans to $900,000 to alleviate the financial burden of increasing construction costs.
One population served by supportive housing that was hard hit by the pandemic were individuals and families experiencing homelessness, with some areas of the state seeing increases of more than 50% in recent years. The Howard Levine Men’s Shelter, a 2022 Housing North Carolina Award winner, works to help Charlotte citizens transition from homelessness to home.

Supportive Housing Breaks the Cycle of Homelessness
Overcoming significant pandemic-related construction and supply chain delays and obstacles, the supportive housing development now offers 164 beds with space improvements to increase privacy, dignity and safety for guests staying there. Since opening, the shelter has improved the lives of many men experiencing homelessness. In the words of one guest:
“I count my blessings and am grateful for what I’ve been building…on the street there was no one to go to with my problems, but here I have someone to go to. I want to get my social security card, I want a nine to five job and I want to continue to get stronger mentally. I am going to break the cycle, I know that I am being called for something positive.”