2022 Investment and Impact Report
The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency finances more than just homes—our investments provide opportunities, options and solid foundations for North Carolinians to build their lives. Since the Agency was created, it has leveraged public funds with private dollars to finance affordable housing that delivers much more than just four walls and a roof for hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians.
We don’t just help the people who live in the housing we finance—our investments have far-reaching impacts on the state’s economy and the hundreds of communities that make up North Carolina.

Affordable Housing Benefits the Economy Communities Education Health Children
Click below to read more about the benefits of affordable housing and the impacts of housing investments:
All numbers are based on Agency program counts and value tabulations, with economic impacts assessed using the Bureau of Economic Analysis RIMS II Model.
IN 2022…
In 2022, the Agency helped home buyers in a challenging housing market, awarded financing that will build nearly a billion dollars in affordable apartment developments and launched the NC Homeowner Assistance Fund to assist homeowners struggling to pay housing costs due to the economic impact of the pandemic. A self-supporting public agency, we consistently keep our operating costs to less than 2% of housing financed while maintaining an AA+/Aa1 bond rating.

homes and apartments financed

$1.77 B
in real estate activity produced


$54.4 M
in tax revenues generated