Our Board of Directors, Housing Partnership & Partners

Board of Directors
The Board of Directors that oversees the NC Housing Finance Agency is made up of 13 members, representing different geographical areas, who have an expertise in banking, mortgage servicing, home building and real estate sales.
The Governor, President of the State Senate and Speaker of the State House of Representatives each appoint four members, and these 12 members elect the 13th.
- J. Adam Abram, Chair
- Patricia G. Garrett, Vice Chair
- Leigh T. Brown
- Lavonda Daniels
- Marc Isaacson
- Paul S. Jaber
- James C. Kearney, Sr.
- Paul L. Kennedy
- M. Charles Mullen
- James W. Oglesby
- Chris C. Parrish
- Tom E. Smith
There is currently one vacancy on the Board of Directors

Housing Partnership
The North Carolina Housing Partnership oversees, establishes policy and allocates funding for the North Carolina Housing Trust Fund. The Housing Trust Fund, appropriated by the General Assembly, is North Carolina’s most flexible housing resource, as well as the largest source of financing for supportive housing and emergency repairs or accessibility modifications.
The partnership consists of 13 members, including the NC Housing Finance Agency Executive Director, the Secretary of the Department of Commerce and the State Treasurer. The General Assembly appoints the other 10 members to represent low-income housing advocates, home builders, the League of Municipalities, nonprofit housing development corporations, residents of low-income housing and the real estate lending industry. This board meets quarterly to discuss the allocation of Housing Trust Fund appropriations.
- Daniel Kornelis, Chair
- Sallie Surface, Vice Chair
- Scott Dedman
- Scott Farmer
- The Honorable Dale R. Folwell
- Robert J. Kellogg
- JC Lyle
- James Pressly
- Melody Smith
- Tom E. Smith
- Owen Thomas
There are currently two vacancies in the Housing Partnership
Our Partners

1,450 Apartment Owners and Managers

113 For-Profit Developers

188 Lending Institutions

101 Local Governments

172 Nonprofit Organizations

1,000 Loan Officers

99 Lenders

900+ Real estate Agents

Good Housing For North Carolinians.
Good Business for North Carolina.