Housing Trust Fund
The Housing Trust Fund provides an essential foundation for North Carolina citizens

Boosting the North Carolina Economy
The North Carolina Housing Trust Fund provides an essential safety net for North Carolina citizens and a significant boost to the state’s economy. In 2022, the Agency leveraged the NC Housing Trust Fund with private and federal funding to finance 990 units of affordable housing for low-income families, seniors, veterans and people with disabilities.
The Trust Fund has helped finance 41,030 units with $536.4 million in financing since its creation, and delivers one of the state’s best returns on investment, leveraging $4 in housing for every Trust Fund dollar invested.

Assisting the State’s Most Vulnerable Citizens
NC Housing Trust Fund dollars are crucial for assisting the state’s most vulnerable citizens. Among the thousands helped each year is Robert, a Rutherford county man who lost his wife in 2022. He relies on disability assistance to buy groceries and was faced with a leaking roof that threatened his health. The Rutherford Housing Partnership replaced his roof, making his home safer. Trust Fund investments made the difference.
“I’m not able to do the work myself, I’m glad there is someone to help me. Keep up the good work.”
Housing Trust Fund Results

In 2022: 990 units of affordable housing for low-income families, seniors, veterans and people with disabilities.

All-Time Results: the Trust Fund has helped finance 41,030 units with $536.4 million in financing since its creation.

All-Time Results: delivers one of the state’s best returns on investment, leveraging $4 in housing for every Trust Fund dollar invested.